The Fresh 48: Pittsburgh Newborn Photography
I love photographing these sessions. They're by far what I do the most of, so that's a good thing. But there's something very miraculous about getting to meet so many babies so very early in their lives. I might only really be there for 20-30 minutes but that small peek at their new worlds is fascinating.
The details are impeccable. Their eyelashes are minuscule. The lines are already existing on their feet. Their fingernails are tiny and may already need cut! The gentle fuzz of hair that adorns not just their heads, but their body. And the wrinkles. Oh, the wrinkles.

And the love, oh, the love. The room is just overflowing with it. So much wonderful, warm, positive energy is just permeating the air. Dads might be timid or confident as they handle this new life. Mom may be weary but totally love struck and that outshines everything. Siblings may have wildly unique reactions to meeting their new baby and whether it's jealousy, fear, awe, or doting, it's something worth capturing before baby becomes a part of the routine.

It's a magical time that really can't be recaptured again. In these first days, you're just getting to know you're little one and they are getting to know you and everyone else in their life too. Literally every yawn, stretch, and cry is magic. Because only one day ago, this person still wasn't here yet. So, while most traditional newborn sessions are booked after about a week, it's intended to give the newly expanded family a chance to settle in, find a little rest and baby becomes a deeper sleeper. But by then, all of that wonder is starting to wear off a little bit. That's why I love the Fresh 48. Some moments just can't be recreated later on.